

Transformational Coach, Annaliese Furnas, helps women over 50 shift from a life that is just ‘meh’ to a vibrant, joyful, passionate way of living.

Annaliese has always enjoyed working with people to help them make positive changes in their lives. She has worked as an executive in the high technology field for almost two decades; mentoring her staff and helping them maximize their gifts.

Certified as a coach in the late 90s, Annaliese has helped hundreds of people transform their lives by showing them how to discover their true passions. In addition to her coaching practice, Annaliese also owns and runs a nationwide market research firm.

Recently, Annaliese reorganized her coaching practice to focus on helping women over 50 reawaken their deepest dreams, reenergize their spirits, and reinvent their amazing lives.

Ms. Furnas received her training as a coach at the Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, California. She is also a member of the International Coach Federation San Francisco Bay Area Chapter.